Monday, February 10, 2025

Level 3; Verbs with the dative case [4]: special verbs [3]

Complete the Latin sentences with the verbs listed below; note the endings of the dative case

Forgive me │ [1] __________ mihi

Why do you envy me? │ Cūr mihi [2] __________?

He certainly convinces (persuades) me. │ Prōrsus mihi [3] __________ (Cicero)

Hard punishment and constant sadness will not persuade the queen. │ Dūra poena et perpetua trīstitia rēgīnae nōn [4] __________.

For it neither pleases me nor our Atticus [= it’s neither pleasing to me nor to our Atticus] │ nec enim mihi [5] __________ nec Atticō nostrō (Cicero)

The Romans were unable to oppose Boudica. │ Rōmānī Boudicae [6] __________ nōn poterant.

Tiberius and Gaius didn’t resist [were not opposed to] hard discipline and obeyed Cornelia. │ Tiberius et Gāius disciplīnae dūrae nōn [7] __________ et Cornēliae [8] __________.

Boudica never forgave the Romans. │ Numquam Boudica Rōmānīs [9] __________.

Do you believe the words of the allies? Many do not believe their words. │ [10] __________ verbīs sociōrum? Multī verbīs eōrum nōn [11] __________.

My neighbours will not favour your plan because they are eager for war. │ Meī fīnitimī cōnsiliō tuō nōn [12] __________, quod bellō [13] __________.

Many Romans favoured the commander. │ Multī Rōmānī imperātōrī [14] __________.

Soon the arrows will fly and harm the wretched children. │ Mox sagittae volābunt et līberīs miserīs [15] __________.

At the same time he ordered the third line, and the entire army not to charge without his command │ Simul tertiae aciēī tōtīque exercit [16] __________, nē iniussū suō concurreret (Caesar)

That friend of mine …is / has become very angry with you. │ ille noster amīcus … sānē tibi [17] __________. (Cicero)

Nobody is free who is a slave to his body. │ Nēmō līber est quī corporī [18] __________. (Seneca)

For Anicia, the cousin of Pomponius, had married Servius, the brother of Sulpicius │ namque Anicia, Pompōniī cōnsōbrīna, [19] __________ Serviō, frātrī Sulpiciī. (Nepos)

Therefore the one has confidence in his case, the other distrusts his. │ itaque alter causae [20] __________, alter [21] __________. (Cicero)

cōnfīdit; crēdisne; crēdunt; diffīdit; favēbant; favēbunt; ignosce; imperāvit; invidēs; īrātus est; nocēbunt; nūpserat; pārēbant; pepercit; persuādēbunt; persuādet; placet; resistēbant; resistere; servit; student