Sunday, February 9, 2025

Level 3; The story of Arion [5]

Interim nautae Corinthum advēnērunt. Ā Periandrō interrogātī sunt dē Arīone. Turpissimē mentītī sunt omnēs. Subitō Arīōn appāruit cum eōdem ōrnātū. Attonitī nautae scelus cōnfitentur. Ā rēge Periandrō omnēs interfectī sunt, et multum pecūniae Arīonī datum est.


appāreō, -ere, appāruī, appāritus [2]: appear; come into sight

scelus, sceleris [3/n]: wicked deed


  1. What did Periander do when the sailors arrived? (2)
  2. How did they respond? (2)
  3. What suddenly happened? (2)
  4. How did the sailors react and what did they do as a result? (2)
  5. How did Periander deal with [i] the sailors and [ii] Arion? (2)


[1] turpissimē: superlative adverb < turpis, -e: shameful

[2] deponent verbs

cōnfiteor, cōnfitērī, confēssus sum [2/dep]: confess; admit

mentior, mentīrī, mentītus sum [4/dep]: lie; cheat; deceive


Meawhile the sailors arrived at Corinth. They were questioned by Periander about Arion. They all lied very shamefully. Suddenly Arion appeared with the same clothing. Astonished the sailors confess the wicked deed. They were all killed by king Periander, and a lot of money was given to Arion.