[1] Listen to the
recording without looking at the transcript; fill in the blanks with the
missing words listed below:
_____ salūtem _____
dīcō, Rōmae lēgāte.
_____ sonus omnīnō _____ intolerandu’st.
Tamquam moechae
cuiusdam ēdentulae _____ poētārī cōnētur.
[Gmn: Bitte,
sprich deine Sprache]
Dūc _____ ad
Folkwinī pāgum, barbare.
_____ mentītus es _____
iubēbō in cruce fīgī.
Gentēs sunt inter _____
Tamen apud _____ _____
magnum mōmentum habēre possum in rem Rōmae optimam.
_____ _____ rēx gentis
meae essem …
In Germāniam nōn
pervēnī _____ honōribus _____ essem subsidiō, barbare.
Veniam ā _____
petō, lēgāte, sed virī _____ cōnsimilēs _____ opus erunt.
ego; ego; ego; eius;
eōs; mē; meī; mihi; quae; quī; sē; sī; sī; tē; tē; tibi; tibi; tuīs
[2] Again, either
listen to the text without looking at the transcript or follow the transcript
and try the comprehension questions
Image #1: Segestes
Image #2: Varus
Segestes: Ego
salūtem tibi dīcō, Rōmae lēgāte.
Varus: Eius sonus omnīnō
mihi intolerandu’st. Tamquam moechae cuiusdam ēdentulae quae poētārī cōnētur.
[Gmn: Bitte,
sprich deine Sprache]
Varus: Dūc mē ad
Folkwinī pāgum, barbare. Sī mentītus es tē iubēbō in cruce fīgī.
Segestes: Gentēs
sunt inter sē discordēs. Tamen apud eōs ego magnum mōmentum habēre possum in
rem Rōmae optimam. Sī ego rēx gentis meae essem …
Varus: In
Germāniam nōn pervēnī quī honōribus tuīs essem subsidiō, barbare.
Segestes: Veniam ā
tē petō, lēgāte, sed virī meī cōnsimilēs tibi opus erunt.
- What does Varus think of the way Segestes speaks Latin? To what does he compare it? (3)
- Where does Varus want to go? (1)
- What threat does he make to Segestes? (2)
- What does Segestes say about the tribes? (1)
- How does he think he can be of assistance? (2)
- What condition does he make? (1)
- How does Varus react to this suggestion? (1)
- Why is Segestes’ last remark a little ominous? (1)