Saturday, February 8, 2025

Level 3; the story of Arion [4]

Arīōn autem ā delphīne exceptus dorsō Taenarum dēlātus estĒgressus in terram, Corinthum cum eōdem habitū contendit. Ibi nautārum facta nārrāvit. Periander autem eī crēdere nōluit. Arīōn igitur in cūstōdiā ab eō retentus est.


contendō, -ere, contendī, contentus [3]: hurry; journey quickly (to a place)

excipiō, -ere, excēpī, exceptus [3-iō]: (here) receive; ā delphīne exceptus dorsō │ having been received by a dolphin on its back = having been taken onto the back of a dolphin

habitus, -ūs [4/m]: dress; attire

retineō, -ēre, retinuī, retentus [2]: detain; restrain; confine

Taenarus, -ī [2/m]: Taenarus, a promontary and town in Laconia, a region in the southern Peloponnese, Greece


  1. How was Arion helped? (3)
  2. What did Arion do when he reached land? (1)
  3. How was he dressed? (1); note: cum eōdem habitū
  4. What did Arion recount and how did Periander react? (3)


[1] dē¦ferō, dēferre, dētūlī, dēlātus [3]: carry away

Taenarum dēlātus est │ he was carried away to Taenarus

[2] deponent verbs

ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum [3-iō/dep]: go out; come out; disembark

An important point always to bear in mind when dealing with the deponent verbs; they look passive in form but they are active in meaning and that also applies to this participle:


[i] Passive verbs

Nautae vērō precibus virī nōn commōtī, … │ But the sailors, not moved [passive] by the man’s entreaties …

Nautae suāvī carmine captī … │ The sailors, captivated [passive] by the sweet song …

… omnī ōrnātū suō indūtus … │ … dressed [passive] in all his fine clothing …

Arīōn autem ā delphīne exceptus dorsō │ Arion, however, having been received [passive] by a dolphin onto its back = having been taken onto the back of a dolphin i.e. he was given a ride on the back of a dolphin

Arīōn autem … Taenarum dēlātus est│ Arion, however, … was carried away [passive] to Taenarus

Arīōn igitur in cūstōdiā ab eō retentus est. │ Arion, therefore, was held [passive] in custody by him

However …

[ii] deponent verbs

Ēgressus in terram … │ Having disembarked [active] (onto the land) …

Is diū … versātus erat │ He had lived [active] for a long time …

…Tarentō … profectus est; │He set out [active] from Tarentum

vītam dēprecātus est │ he begged for [active] (his) life

mortem eī statim minātī sunt │ they immediately threatened [active] him with death