Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Level 3; deponent verbs (6)(i); imperfect and future tenses; exercise [1]

 Focus on what matters i.e. recognise [i] meaning [ii] tense and [iii] who / what is performing the action. You need to go slowly before you can go quickly! You’ve seen in the two previous posts that there are consistent personal endings and clear markers for tenses. Match the English verbs with the Latin deponent verbs in the word cloud all of which are either imperfect or future tense:

1st conjugation

hortor, -ārī, -ātus sum: to encourage, urge

minor, -ārī, -ātus sum: to threaten

mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum: to wonder at, be surprised

2nd conjugation

vereor, -ērī, veritus sum: to fear

3rd conjugation

loquor, loquī, locūtus sum: to speak, talk

proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum: to set out, depart

sequor, sequī, secūtus sum: to follow

ūtor, -ī, usus sum: to use, make use of

3rd-iō conjugation

prōgredior, -ī, prōgressus sum: to advance, go forward

morior, -ī, mortuus sum: to die

4th conjugation

orior, -īrī, ortus sum: to rise, arise

potior, -īrī, potītus sum: to get possession of

  1. The sun was rising. │ Sōl __________
  2. The sun will rise.│ Sōl __________
  3. The king was threatening him with death. │ Rēx eī mortem __________
  4. I often used a sword. │ Gladiō saepe __________
  5. We shall not fear the enemy. │ Hostēs nōn __________
  6. Whom were you encouraging? │ Quem __________?
  7. Whom will you encourage? │ Quem __________?
  8. When will they set out? │ Quandō __________?
  9. The boy will set out at dawn. │ Puer prīmā lūce __________ 
  10. The senator was speaking loudly. │ Senātor magnā vōce __________
  11. We will always follow you. │ Tē semper __________
  12. They used to admire the girl’s beauty. │ Pulchritūdinem puellae __________
  13. You are gods … but you will die just like men. │ Dīī estis …, vōs autem sīcut hominēs __________
  14. Moreover, when we (will) become masters / take possession of a very beautiful and wealthy city … │ __________ praetereā cum pulcherrimā opulentissimāque urbe … (Livy) 
  15. Labienus … was proceeding quietly. │ Labiēnus … placidē __________. (Caesar)